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World Military Games Executive Committee honored SCMU’s volunteer work

author:Written by Gao Junshan and Dai Liang Ying Time:Dec 22, 2020 page views:

Recently, the Executive Committee of the 7th World Military Games issued a “Notice on the Commendation of the Outstanding Competition Volunteers, Outstanding Volunteer Service Workers and Outstanding Volunteer Service Organization Units of the 7th World Military Games”, and SCMU was awarded the honor of Outstanding Volunteer Service Organization Unit, four teachers were awarded the honor of outstanding volunteer service workers, and 864 student and teacher volunteers were awarded the honor of Outstanding competition Volunteer.

In October 2019, the 7th World Military Games was held in Wuhan. SCMU’s Pomegranate Seed Volunteer Team selected 2,231 student volunteers from 56 nationalities to participate in the service work for track and field, road cycling, the 3 events of marathon; 22 volunteers served as sign raisers in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games; 13 volunteers undertook the etiquette service task in 3 events of the Games. During the Military World Games, Bian Jing, Party Secretary of SCMU; and Li Jinlin, president of SCMU, led the heads of relevant functional departments to visit and greet the volunteers at the Games. The Youth League Committee, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Educational Administration, the Security Office, the Office of Logistics Service and other departments worked closely with all Schools to create favorable conditions for the volunteers. The volunteers devoted themselves to the volunteer service with high spirit, enthusiasm and professional ability, and they practiced the volunteer spirit of dedication, love, mutual help and progress, enhanced the consciousness of Chinese national community through actual deeds, and were well received by the organizer of the Games. Before and after the Military World Games, SCMU received thank-you letters from seven units including the Military World Games Executive Committee and East Lake Competition Committee, and the deeds of SCMU’s Pomegranate Seed Volunteer Team were reported by CCTV, Guangming Daily,, China Youth Daily, Hubei Daily and other media and platforms.

It is reported that the selection and commendation has gone through processes including recommendation by the affiliated departments and examination by the Executive Committee on special meetings, which aims at guiding the youth to actively participate in volunteer service, cultivating healthy social ethos, and leading people to practice socialist core values. 16 units were awarded the honor of Outstanding Volunteer Service Organization Unit, 160 volunteers were awarded the honor of outstanding volunteer service workers, and 9,737 volunteers were awarded the honor of Outstanding competition Volunteer

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