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Results of "Top Ten Self-reliance and Self-support Representatives" Selection Announced

author:Jian Minwei, Zhou Shengyin, Wang Jiao Time:Dec 3, 2021 page views:

In the afternoon of November 30, at the defense of SCMZU’s first "Top Ten Self-reliance and Self-support Representatives" selection, 21 candidates from different Schools shared their stories of self-reliance and self-support. Finally, Mazuran Tursunjiang, Tan Bin, Ma Chang, Li Xinyi, Zeng Jiajun, Yu Yudie, Peng Shuo, Guan Yan, Ou Hongyue and Li Na, won the award.

Dong Haoye of the Student Financial Assistance Management Center, Wen Tian of the Institute of Chinese National Community, Xiang Hong of the College of Electronics and Information Engineering, and Wang Zhongpeng of the School of Marxism served as the judges of the defense. Student representatives from different Schools and the Student Education Team of the Student Financial Assistance Management Center were present to watch the defense.

The inspirational stories told by the students deeply moved the audience, and got a round of applause. Peng Shuo from the School of Fine Arts had been strict with his words and deeds and endeavored to be self-reliant and self-support since he entered the university. Tan Bin from the School of Economics, had never lost his ambition to become a member of the Party and his cultivation of the spirit of self-reliance and self-support although he was born of humble parentage. Maizuran Tursunjiang from the School of Ethnology and Sociology told the story about how he supported himself and helped others.

After the candidates' defense, the judges made detailed comments. They summarized the performance of the candidates with words like "poverty and self-improvement”, “hard work and change-making”, “optimism and helping others", and praised their spirit of self-reliance and helping others. The judges told the candidates and the audience that "happiness comes from struggle, and struggle will lead to happiness". They called on the young people to realize their dreams and make more contribution to the national development through continuous struggle.

(Editor: Liu Qiong; Source: Student Work Office)

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