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Four professors rated as "Excellent Young Social Science Talents of Hubei Province"

author:Liu Zhanyong Time:Mar 7, 2022 page views:

Recently, Hubei Social Science Association announced the list of "Excellent Young Social Science Talents of Hubei Province". Li Bo from School of Economics, Li Yong from School of Education, Fang Kun from School of Management and Lei Yu from Fine Arts School were included into the list, among 97 in total.

The training plan of "Excellent Young Social Science Talents of Hubei Province" is organized and implemented by the Provincial Social Science Association for the philosophy and social science circles of the province. From 2021, a group of about 100 outstanding young talents in the field of philosophy and social sciences will be selected and supported by the plan once every five years. It is planned to train these talents to have both ability and political integrity, outstanding performance, strong professional potential, and spirit of innovation and vitality in the field of social sciences, and to create a young talent team construction system that will be connected with national and provincial social science talent training projects.

This round of talent selection was started in May 2021. The Science and Technology Research Institute issued relevant notices in time, mobilized all schools to actively apply for the project, cooperated with relevant units of SCMU in inspecting the applicants’ scientific research achievements, teachers' morality and work performance, and invited relevant experts to sequence the applicants according to the requirements of Hubei province. Finally, SCMU selected 25 applicants.

SCMU will strictly adhere to the objectives, tasks, development conditions and evaluation methods in the Implementation Plan of "Excellent Young Social Science Talents in Hubei Province", strengthen the process management and service for the development of the selected talents, and cooperate with the Hubei Provincial Social Science Association in evaluating the selected talents.

Editor: Liu Qiong; Source: Scientific Research and Development Institute

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