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SCMZU Ethnology Museum listed in ideological and political education bases for teenagers, Hubei province

author:Hu Yue Time:May 5, 2022 page views:

To strengthen theoretical and political guidance for teenagers, and lead them to welcome the 20th National Party Congress and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of China consolidated the construction of provincial ideological and political education bases for teenagers.

South-Central Minzu University ethnology museum was successfully included in the list announced on April 30. After evaluation, the museum, including its hardware facilities, education activities, organization guarantee, all met the standards put forward by the base. It has also been a virtual ideological and political education base for teenagers of Hubei province.

The museum has long been offering a variety of cultural, ideological and political activities for all sectors of the society, especially for the teenagers. In the meantime, ideological and political education methods of “inviting in and going out” are carried out to serve teenagers, and thus guide the youth to firmly establish the sense of community for the Chinese nation. Over the past five years, 30,000 teenagers received ideological and political education in virtual and offline classrooms. Meanwhile, activities with features of Chinese traditional culture, such as ethnic tie-dye, have been held among 2,000 teenagers in local primary and secondary schools for nearly 50 times, successfully integrating strong recognition of national identity in ethnic culture education.

In terms of base construction, a special educational column, “Consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation”, was set up in the museum’s official account to regularly publish stories about national unity for teenagers; a digital education zone was established in the well-equipped exhibition hall to display traditional Chinese culture in an interactive way; a volunteer team with high-quality service organized by the museum provides professional education services for teenagers and other sectors of the society. With all these measures taken, together with the improved construction and standardized institution, SCMZU ethnology museum not only won recognition but also set up a good image both on and off campus.

Source from South-Central Minzu University Ethnology Museum

Edited by Liu Qiong

Reviewed by Wang Huaigang

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