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SCMU Triumphs with 21 National Social Science Fund Projects for the Year

author:Liu Zhanyong Time:Oct 7, 2023 page views:

On September 22, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences revealed the approval results for the 2023 National Social Science Fund’s annual projects. SCMU has been awarded 21 projects, encompassing 2 key projects, 16 general projects, and 3 youth projects. This notable accomplishment signifies the highest number of projects secured and the most favorable national ranking achieved by SCMU in the last three years, placing it 59th across the nation. SCMU is distinguished among the top Minzu universities and colleges in Hubei Province in this area.

The National Social Science Fund project is a hallmark of excellence within China’s philosophy and social science funding system, renowned for its wide-reaching influence and robust support. It stands as a pivotal benchmark of a university’s research capabilities in these disciplines, playing a significant role in fostering talent, guiding research innovation, advancing academic fields, and elevating the overall stature of the university.

At SCMU, the application and management of the National Social Science Fund projects have always been a top priority. We undertake systematic scientific research with strategic planning and execution. Our approach is comprehensive and collaborative, focusing on key areas. First, we prioritize project completion to enhance our application pool. Second, we drive systemic innovation to invigorate application enthusiasm. Third, we focus on rigorous organizational management, closely monitoring vital groups. Fourth, we provide specialized training to guide the direction of applications. Lastly, we value expert assessments highly to assure the integrity and quality of our applications.

Edited by Liu Qiong ; Reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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