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SCMU Hosts Digital Literacy and Domestic Innovation Software Skills Training

author:Luo Yu, Wu Dan Time:Apr 3, 2024 page views:

The training class exemplifies SCMU’s commitment to strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation and implementing strategies for prioritizing employment and cultivating talent. As Ma Li, Party Branch Secretary and Dean of the School of Continuing Education, explained, “we hope this training can truly help Tibetan students studying in inland universities enhance their digital literacy, strengthen core competitiveness, and benefit their current studies and future careers.”

Opening ceremony.  Photo provided by School of Continuing Education

Recently, the Hubei Tibetan Aid Association jointly organized with SCMU’s School of Continuing Education and School of Computer Science a digital literacy and domestic innovation software skills training program tailored for Tibetan students. After multiple consultations and surveys, this theme was chosen to meet students’ needs. Tan Hui, President of the Tibetan Aid Association, said the theme was finalized after collecting extensive student feedback through meetings and discussions. The hosting schools optimized the curriculum based on research into training requirements.

Trainers guiding the students patiently. Photo provided by School of Continuing Education

The month-long training combined lectures with hands-on practice, focusing on WPS office suite, presentation tools, spreadsheets, popular AI applications and other domestic innovative software. By applying these technologies, students can improve digital literacy, modern information awareness and software proficiency.

“As a liberal arts student, I often struggle with computer operations. This training allows me to enhance software skills and prepare for future studies and work,” said Pu Zhen, a 2021 law student participant. The patient guidance from instructors was invaluable. Dawa Duojie, a 2018 business graduate who attended previous training, now works at a bank in Linzhi, Tibet. He expressed gratitude for such “precious learning opportunities” provided to Tibetan students by the association and university.

Previous training programs have proven effective in boosting employability for Tibetan students. Tie Jun, Party Vice Secretary and Dean of Computer Science, affirmed the school’s commitment to leveraging expertise in cultivating digital talent for national technological empowerment.

Edited by Long Hua, reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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