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Inaugural “Harmony Cup” Electronic Creative Competition Concludes Successfully

author:Guo Yuxuan, Zhang Bokai Time:Apr 7, 2024 page views:

On March 30th, the finals of the first “Harmony Cup” Electronic Creative Competition, themed “Colorful China, Beauty of Harmony”, took place at the university’s Art Museum. Sanlang Zhaxi, Vice Party Secretary and Vice President of SCMU, attended to provide guidance. Officials from the Publicity Department, Student Affairs, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Youth League Committee, Academy of Fine Arts, School of Community for the Chinese Nation, and Electronic Information Engineering School were also present. An 18-member delegation led by Guo Liang, Dean of School of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Kashgar University, visited to participate in the finals and exchange activities.

 President Li Jinlin received Guo Liang and his delegation.  

Photographed by Fang Xiang

Prior to the event, President Li Jinlin welcomed them, expressing hope that the existing college-level cooperation could swiftly elevate to an institutional partnership. This would strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation, forming a strategic relationship to deepen exchanges between western and central universities, jointly propelling ethnic education nationwide.

Sanlang Zhaxi guided at the competition. Photographed by Fang Xiang

During the finals, contestants impressed with their innovative works. In the “Harmony” category, robots bearing both universities’ emblems held hands, symbolizing deep friendship and ethnic unity. A printed circuit board connected the distant campuses, incorporating elements like embroidery and paper-cutting to represent national unity. For “Innovation”, teams used futuristic backdrops with oscillating circuits to create illuminated keychains. A highly stable, flexible balancing vehicle utilized advanced sensors, motor controls and wireless tech-promising for intelligent transportation. The live demonstrations drew many observing students.

That evening, the award ceremony took place at the Optics Valley Concert Hall. Attendees included He Ping’an, Secretary-General of the Hubei Optical Society and Wuhan University Professor; Zhang Jiaming, Huawei’s Hubei Enterprise Optics and Perception Manager; officials from Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Youth League, School of Music and Dance; and contestants with faculty from both universities. Winners were announced and awarded as representatives shared “Harmony Stories” and recited “I See My Motherland in a Pomegranate”.

Group photo. Photographed by Fang Xiang

Hosted by School of Electronic Engineering of SCMU and School of Physics and Electrical Engineering of Kashgar University, and supported by the National Ethnic Arts Experimental Center, Huawei Technologies, Shenzhen JLC Technology Group, Hubei Communication and Optical Societies, the 4-month competition integrated professional studies with ethnic unity, cultural ideology and moral cultivation. It exemplified the whole-person education philosophy of both universities and strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation.

On March 29th, the two engineering schools held a forum titled “Nurturing the Pomegranate Tree of Ethnic Unity”, jointly adopting pomegranate trees and sharing insights on ethnic progress. Faculty and students also visited university-enterprise partners Huawei (Wuhan) Research Institute and Wuhan Labtech Electronics.

Edited by Lei Changsheng, reviewed by Gui Sunlai

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