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National’s First Ideological and Political Teacher-Themed Film “I Want to Be a Teacher” Premieres at SCMU

author:Luo Fuyuan, Wang Keran, Shan Yufan Time:Apr 11, 2024 page views:

On the evening of April 10th, the national’s first ideological and political teacher-themed comedy film “I Want to Be a Teacher” premiered at the auditorium of SCMU. Jointly organized by the Party Committee Publicity Department and the School of Marxism, over 900 attendees including all counselors and student representatives watched the film together. The aim was to innovate ideological and political education through cinematic art, presenting a refreshing “grand ideological and political lesson” for all faculty and students.

The film depicts the journey of young university ideological and political theory teacher Sun Heng. With guidance from high school politics teacher Gao Huaide, Dean  of the School of Marxism, Counselor Jiang Li and others, Sun leads students to unite, pursue dreams and gradually realize his ideal of “becoming a teacher”. Departing from traditional solemnity, the unique perspective and novel narrative style authentically reflect the aspirations of today’s youth choosing to be ideological and political theory teachers. It artistically showcases generations of such teachers’ original intent and passion to “cultivate people for the Party and talents for the nation”, leaving the audience laughing wholeheartedly yet deeply inspired.

During the screening. Photographed by Zhang Yuke

“Being an ideological and political theory teacher is not just a profession, but a social responsibility,” said Tan Yuting after watching. “The thoughts and feelings of today’s students bear the mark of this information-diversified era. Guiding their values and teaching with sincerity will always be most effective.”

Zou Wei, a 2022 undergraduate from the School of Literature, Journalism and Communication, remarked, “When Teacher Sun led students to support rural education, he not only imparted knowledge to local students but also influenced his own students. He practically taught a lesson in ideological and political theory.”

For counselors, this viewing was edutainment in ideological and political learning. Wang Wei, a 2020 counselor from the School of Management, said, “Though not very long, this film vividly showcases an educator’s original aspiration and devotion. Respect the teacher to trust his way-this is the educational philosophy conveyed. As a counselor, I believe we must first cultivate our inner qualities to become a warm ray of sunshine in students’ youthful lives.”

Notably, the film was jointly produced by the Tianjin Film Studio and others under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and support from Tianjin’s Publicity and Education departments. Besides the engaging story, over 400 outstanding ideological and political theory teachers make collective cameos. This premiere sparked faculty and students’ active attention and deeper engagement in ideological and political education, enriching the forms and essence of such efforts at our university.

Edited by Liu Hong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng,

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