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SCMU Launches 2024 Reading Festival Series

author:Luo Manzhen, Chen Daijia, Lu Lan Time:Apr 24, 2024 page views:

The 2024 Reading Festival kicked off grandly on April 23rd, coinciding with World Book Day. The opening ceremony, held at the International Hall of the Academic Exchange Center, commenced with University Librarian Rao Yingxue presenting the 2023 Library Reading Report. “This report not only captures the daily efforts of the library, but also embodies the diligence, perseverance and thirst for knowledge of our students,” Rao noted.

To promote Chinese excellent traditional culture, strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation, vigorously drive reading among youth, create an atmosphere venerating scholarship, and build a campus where all ethnic students grow together through reading, the university library joined forces with organizations like the Party Committee Office, Publicity Department, Student Affairs Department, Youth League Committee, Academic Affairs Office and Graduate School to organize a series of events.

At the ceremony, “Reading Star” awards for undergraduates, graduates, faculty and “Book-Loving School” honors were conferred. Student representatives Yao Xuan (2020 undergraduate, School of Foreign Languages), Xu Peng (2022 graduate, School of Ethnology and Sociology), and Professor Ha Zhengli shared insights on reading, encouraging peers to find wisdom, accumulate strength and share the joy of books.

“Book-Loving School” honors were conferred. Photographed by Liu Bin

Party Secretary Bian Jing then delivered a speech declaring the Reading Festival open. He emphasized that hosting this festival actively implements the CPC’s directives on “deepening nationwide reading activities” from the 20th National Congress report and the “National Youth Student Reading Campaign” jointly issued by eight ministries including Education and Publicity. More crucially, it guides youth to read classics, understand civilization, and strengthen national identity alongside cultural confidence, a vivid practice propelling the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through reading.

“Our long history was co-authored by all ethnic groups!” Excited representatives from schools passionately recited after the ceremony at the newly unveiled “Strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation” reading space, formerly the library’s periodicals room. Bian Jing and Vice President Fang Debin inaugurated the venue and launched a themed book exhibition providing an ideal environment for all to study the Party’s innovative theories and ethnic literary classics.

Unveiling “Strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation” reading space. Photographed by Liu Bin

At the library’s Gallery of Excellence, the “Wandering the Book Ocean” event was in full swing with riddle guessing, reciting ancient poems, ceramic vase throwing and blind book selections captivating students. “This approach allows us to truly experience ancient poetry, making dull verses come alive in interesting ways,” remarked Shen Yameng, a 2022 student from the School of Literature, Journalism and Communication. Despite needing crutches, Yang Changyu, a 2021 public administration major, made his way to the scene, hoping to score new reads at the upcoming book exchange.

Blind book selections captivating students. Photographed by Yang Xinyi

Themed “Glorifying Chinese Culture, Building a Scholarly SCMU”, the vibrant Reading Festival features five sections—”Setting Sail with Books”, “Wandering the Book Ocean”, “Eternal Classics”, “Reading in Unison”, and “Empowered by Digital Intelligence”—igniting a passion for reading and cultivating a scholastic campus atmosphere.

Edited by Liu Qiong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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