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SCMU Hosts 2nd Wuhan-Optics Valley “Medical and Engineering Integration Innovation Development” Forum

author:Peng Cheng, Cai Jiaying Time:Apr 29, 2024 page views:

On April 26th, the 2nd Wuhan-Optics Valley “Medical and Engineering Integration Innovation Development” Forum, hosted by the School of Biomedical Engineering with support from the Research Development Institute, Experimental Teaching and Engineering Training Center, and the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, was successfully held at the Academic Exchange Center. University President Li Jinlin attended, and the opening ceremony was presided over by He Ming, Party Secretary of the School of Biomedical Engineering.

Themed “New Medical Engineering Force, Invigorating Western China’s  Healthcare Development”, the forum invited experts and scholars from universities including Southeast University, Beihang University, Southern Medical University, Shenzhen University, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Shihezi University, and Xizang Minzu University. In his welcoming remarks, He Ming stated the forum aims to explore cutting-edge health technology development, enhance SCMU’s biomedical engineering teaching quality and discipline construction, contributing to the nation’s healthcare endeavors.

President Li Jinlin delivered the opening speech, emphasizing the Communist Party’s commitment to public health. While national investment in the healthcare industry continues increasing and people’s medical standards have significantly improved, regional disparities persist. Western regions have ample room for advancement in promoting healthy lifestyles, with latent development potential, which is the primary intention behind the forum’s theme. President Li acknowledged the achievements of the School of Biomedical Engineering in medical-engineering integration exploration. He hopes experts could seize this opportunity to accelerate in-depth interdisciplinary fusion, elevate talent cultivation, promote synergistic innovation and exchange across the entire industry chain spanning production, education, research, and application, establishing new benchmarks for integrating production and education in talent development. Prof. Wan Suiren, former director of the Biomedical Engineering Teaching Steering Committee under the Ministry of Education, congratulated the University’s biomedical engineering discipline progress and wished the forum success.

President Li Jinlin unveiled the research center.

Photo provided by the School of Biomedical Engineering

Subsequently, a joint laboratory was established between SCMU’s and Shenzhen University’s biomedical engineering schools. President Li also unveiled the University’s Research Center for High-Altitude and Cold Region Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Technologies.

During the forum’s discussion session, keynote speakers included: Prof. Li Deyu, member of the Biomedical Engineering Teaching Steering Committee under the Ministry of Education, and Party Secretary of Beihang University’s Biomedical Engineering School; Prof. Wang Tianfu, pioneer of the biomedical engineering program at Shenzhen University; Prof. Feng Qianjin, member of the Steering Committee and Dean of Southern Medical University’s Biomedical Engineering School; Prof. Wang Zhiqiong from Northeastern University’s Medical and Biological Information Engineering School; Associate Prof. Chen Junbo and Prof. Lu Xuesong from SCMU’s Biomedical Engineering School; Prof. Xu Jiang, Party Vice Secretary and President of Shihezi University’s First Affiliated Hospital; Associate Prof. Zhang Xiaoying, Director of Basic Medicine at Xizang Minzu University’s Medical School; Prof. Yang Jucheng from Tianjin University of Technology’s Artificial Intelligence School, who is also a SCMU biomedical engineering alumnus.

“This forum gathered experts in intelligent medicine, fully demonstrating the immense potential of artificial intelligence in medical applications,” said Yang Xiaofei, Dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering. “It has not only broadened our faculty and students’ academic horizons but also injected robust momentum into intelligent medical engineering development. Its success will further strengthen collaborations between universities, enterprises, and hospitals, boosting our biomedical engineering discipline, deepening medical-engineering interdisciplinary integration of production, education, research and innovation, and facilitating Wuhan’s Optics Valley healthcare industry growth.”

Edited by Lei Changsheng, reviewed by Gui Sunlai

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