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SCMU Hosts the 21st Graduating Student Forum

author:Jing Qixi, Lei Jing, Gui Xing Time:May 17, 2024 page views:

On the afternoon of May 16th, the 21st Graduating Student Forum, hosted by the Publicity Department of the Party Committee, the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee, and the Admissions and Employment Office, and organized by the University Student Reporters’Team, was held at SCMU’s Optics Valley Music Hall. With graduating students as the protagonists, 10 groups of guests from various schools shared their job-hunting experiences, competition processes, and learning journeys with students and faculty in attendance. University leaders Bian Bing, Li Jinlin, Li Hongyan, Song Fajun, and Sanglangzaxi were present at the event.

Kang Xinyi from the School of Pharmacy, who will pursue further studies at Fudan University, shared her passion and perseverance for her major. Liu Xiang, a graduate student from the School of Literature, Journalism and Communication admitted to the Communication University of China for doctoral studies, recounted his experience as a volunteer teacher. Li Yahong from the School of Computer Science, who joined Kingsoft Corporation, unveiled her job-hunting and interview secrets. Four studious roommates from the School of Life Sciences lightheartedly shared their mutual support during the preparation period. Lan Yuanyuan from the School of Economics, who was admitted as a civil servant, shared her benevolent act of donating her financial aid to her former high school and the rewards it brought. Ran Sixiang and Zhao Zhongke from the School of Electronic Information Engineering, who both secured research positions at the Southern University of Science and Technology, recounted their academic pursuits toward a shared scholarly ideal. Ye Ziqi from the School of Management, admitted to Renmin University of China, imparted her learning experiences... The stories of these outstanding graduating student representatives deeply inspired the attendees.

The 21st Graduating Student Forum.

Photo Provided by the Publicity Department of the Party Committee

“The fulfilling military life toughened my body and mind, allowing me to mature rapidly within those two years,” said Du Yutong, who joined the army before being admitted to the graduate program at the Academy of Arts, South China University of Technology. After leaving the military and returning to school, she had a clearer plan for her future and, after careful consideration, decided to pursue a graduate degree, which she successfully achieved. “If you are determined, take that brave first step out of your comfort zone!” Du Yutong encouraged those aspiring to join the military.

Du Yutong Shares Her Military Life.

Photo Provided by the Publicity Department of the Party Committee

“SCMU is my starting point, and the South Lake carries my memories of these four years. I hope my songBy the South Lakecan express the shared sentiments of SCMU students,” said Huang Jingyi from the School of Ethnology and Sociology, reminiscing about the story behind her first original song. Driven by her love for music, she participated in and excelled at numerous singing competitions during her university years. “In my junior year, I began contemplating using my musical talents to pursue something more daring.” Last July, Huang Jingyi founded Wuhan Qingmo Technology Co., Ltd., embarking on her entrepreneurial journey and inspiring attendees to courageously chase their dreams through action.

Roommates Share Stories of mutual support.

Photo Provided by the Publicity Department of the Party Committee

“Scientific research is a process of continuous learning and growth, requiring humility and a thirst for knowledge. Perseverance is key to steady progress,” shared Wang Lanbin, who was admitted to Tsinghua University for doctoral studies. During her master’s program, Wang published 10 papers, including 8 as the first author in SCI journals. She maintained a profound reflection on feasibility, emphasizing the conversion of research outcomes. She also applied her knowledge in various competitions, contributing to China’s environmental protection efforts.

During the Q&A session, the 10 guest groups interacted with students, addressing their queries and sharing experiences. “Every time I participate, I gain invaluable insights. This is an excellent platform for exchanging ideas with outstanding alumni,” said Li Wenqian, a 2021 student from the School of Ethnology and Sociology, attending the forum for the third time.

It’s worth noting that SCMU’s Graduating Student Forum originated in 2003 as an on-campus interview program that delves into schools and engages with students, seeking out graduating students with inspiring stories. As one of the “Three-Dimensional Education” branded events, the forum has been held for 21 consecutive years, inviting numerous outstanding alumni to share their experiences. It has exemplified the role of students in guiding their peers’ growth and fostered a positive, motivated campus atmosphere.

Edited by Liu Hong, reviewed by Gui Sunlai, May 17, 2024

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