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Affiliated Kindergarten Hosts the 3rd Traditional Cultural Games Festival

author:Wang Zeguang Time:May 17, 2024 page views:

Under the pleasant early summer sun, the chirping of cicadas intertwined with joyful laughter, composing an overture to the season. To allow children to better appreciate the beauty embedded in traditional culture and intangible cultural heritage, the Affiliated Kindergarten held the 3rd Traditional Cultural Games Festival from May 15th to 16th, themed “Inheriting Culture, Childhood Companions”.

In the antiquely-styled “Small Hairpin Shop”, children transformed into little artisans, handcrafting their own traditional headpieces. With guidance from teachers, young and middle-class children decorated hairbands with sticky balls and flowers, carefully working with delicate hands and sparkling eyes exploring beauty. Though naive, their creations brimmed with creativity. Meanwhile, older children tackled more intricate hairstyle combinations, arranging flowers, leaves, and other elements, exhibiting respect and affection for traditional culture in every step, from material selection to styling, size to color.

Handcrafted Hairpin Making. Photographed by Wang Zeguang

Stepping into the “Intangible Heritage Rubbing Booth”, children were captivated by this ancient art form. Younger children chose their favorite patterns, gently pressing xuan paper onto the carved woodblocks with their little hands, unveiling a delightful surprise with each lift as the patterns emerged vividly on paper. The older children completed their rubbings on folding fans, imbuing the space with the interplay of two cultural exchanges. Each rubbing masterpiece stood as a testament to the children’s dialogue with history.

Fan Rubbing Prints.Photographed by Wang Zeguang

In the “Pottery Workshop”, young hands intimately engaged with clay, accompanied by the aroma of earth and laughter blending with the spinning wheels, sculpting the dream worlds of their imagination. They molded various small animals, bowls, and plates, with some boldly creating imaginative pieces brimming with creativity. Proceeding to the “Bead Stringing Paradise”, vibrant beads danced through deft little fingers, stringing together beautiful necklaces and bracelets.

Clay Sculpting. Photographed by Wang Zeguang

At the “Lotus Picking Boat Experience Area”, guided by teachers and clad in traditional attire, the children transformed into ancient “Lotus Picking Children”, joyfully leaping and frolicking to the rhythm of the Lotus Picking Dance, experiencing the unique charm of traditional Hubei folk dances firsthand.

Lotus Picking Dance Performance. Photographed by Wang Zeguang

Over the years, SCMU’s Affiliated Kindergarten has persistently explored the modern significance of China’s outstanding traditional culture, upholding the “right path” and “roots”. It continuously develops characteristic kindergarten curricula rooted in China’s exceptional traditional culture, innovating activity formats to effectively carry out education on strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation, earning the enthusiasm of children and widespread acclaim from parents.

Edited by Liu Qiong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng, May 17, 2024

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