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Affiliated Kindergarten Hosts Dragon Boat Festival Cultural Event

author:Wang Zeguang Time:Jul 8, 2024 page views:

In early summer, amidst lush greenery and the sweet aroma of rice dumplings, the Affiliated Kindergarten held a special cultural event on June 6th themed“Savoring Tradition: A Dragon Boat Festival Experience”.The event aimed to bring children closer to the traditional charm of the Dragon Boat Festival and spark their interest in and respect for China’s excellent traditional culture.

From early morning, the kindergarten was filled with the fresh scent of mugwort. The entrance and main hall were uniquely decorated, with zongzi (rice dumpling) themed designs catching the eyes of all children and parents. The little“artists”from the middle and senior classes excitedly picked up their brushes, leaving creative“smiley”and“surprised”zongzi faces on a special sign-in wall. The younger children chose their favorite zongzi stickers instead of signatures, joyfully beginning their day’s journey.

As the children moved through the kindergarten, an experience blending nature and tradition gradually unfolded. They walked along a path lined with artemisia leaves, bringing the custom of treading on artemisia to life. The fresh herbal scent mixed with children’s laughter, weaving a summer poem. Next, during the“bathing in orchid water”activity, the children’s small hands were immersed in fragrant water, their young faces beaming with joy at this novel ritual, expressing a longing for purity and health. Finally, in the ancient custom of“face painting”,teachers gently applied cinnabar, drawing auspicious red dots on the children’s foreheads, conveying endless love and blessings with each stroke.

“Stepping on Artemisia for Good Fortune”. Photo by Wang Xinyue

“Bathing in orchid water”activity. Photo by Wang Zeguang

The cultural journey then moved to the multi-function activity hall, which became a stage for children to showcase their hands-on skills and creativity. In the“crafting fragrant sachets”activity, the little“artisans”carefully filled cloth bags with artemisia, calamus, angelica, and other herbs under teacher guidance, sealing them with love for family and respect for tradition. During the“five-color lucky cord”session, colorful threads danced in small hands, weaving into auspicious cords. Children experienced the joy of artistic creation while deepening their understanding of traditional color aesthetics.

“Crafting fragrant sachets”activity. Photo by Wang Zeguang

The event reached its climax with the“fishing for zongzi”musical game. As lively melodies played, children wielded fishing rods, trying to“catch”zongzi from a simulated“river surface”.Each success was met with laughter and cheers. Not only did they experience a traditional Dragon Boat Festival pastime, but they also learned teamwork and strengthened their sense of collective honor through play.This engaging and interactive event brought the rich traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival to life for the young participants, fostering a deep appreciation for Chinese cultural heritage in a fun and memorable way.

“Fishing for zongzi”activity. Photo by Xia Xiaohua

Edited by Liu Qiong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng, June 25, 2024

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