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SCMU Alum Ma Yongfei Named “2024 National Outstanding Teacher”

author:Zhong Wenyong Time:Sep 23, 2024 page views:

On September 8, during the celebration of the 40th Teachers’ Day and the commendation ceremony for advanced collectives and individuals in the national education system held in Beijing, Ma Yongfei, a graduate of SCMU, was awarded the title of “National Outstanding Teacher”.

After graduating from the School of Education in 2011, Ma chose to answer the call for volunteer teachers in rural China. For nine years, he dedicated himself to teaching at two nine-year schools in remote areas of Shiyan City, Hubei Province. When faced with the choice between a job near home in Heilongjiang or teaching 3,000 miles away, Ma didn’t hesitate. “It’s not just about what’s convenient for me”, he explains. “It’s about going where I am needed most”.

Ma has become a beacon of hope for his students, many of whom are left-behind children. He goes above and beyond, organizing birthday celebrations and creating a vibrant school environment. Under his guidance, the campus buzzes with sweet melodies, clear recitations, and the joyful sounds of sports activities.


Ma chatting with students during break time. Photo provided by School of Education

“It’s all about pure passion”, Ma says of his commitment. His impact is clear in the words of one student, “Mr. Ma, you’ve lit up my world. I want to do the same for others someday”.

SCMU has long encouraged graduates to serve in rural education. Alongside Ma, alumni like He Huan in Qichun County and Zhao Wenyong in Xuan’en County exemplify the university’s spirit of “cultivating on the teaching platform and contributing to a strong nation”.

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