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Professor Yang Xiaofei’s Team Published a Paper in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

author:Chen Huidan & Gong Jihong Time:Apr 7, 2023 page views:

On March 31st, Professor Yang Xiaofei, Dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering of SCMU, was invited by the editorial office of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, an internationally renowned academic journal, to publish a review article Super-resolution fluorescence microscopic imaging in pathogenesis and drug treatment of neurological disease online. SCMU is the first signing unit and Professor Yang Xiaofei is the correspondent author. Gong Jihong, a youth teacher of SCMU is the first author, and graduate students Jin Ziqi and Chen Huidan are co-first authors. It is the first time that SCMU has published an academic paper in this journal. Article link:

Abstract of the paper.

Photo provided by the School of Biomedical Engineering.

The paper summarizes the role and prospect of super-resolution fluorescence microscope imaging technology in the pathogenesis and drug treatment of neurological diseases, mainly introduces several classical imaging principles of super-resolution fluorescence microscope [STED, PALM, (S) SIM, STORM], compares their merits and demerits and expounds the applications in the research of neurological diseases. As applications of super-resolution fluorescence microscope is still in the development stage, Prof. Yang’s team summarized the strengths and limitations of different super-resolution fluorescence microscopes, concluded and analyzed its application in the research and development (R&D) of neurological diseases and related drugs, and looked forward to the future direction of R&D and application of super-resolution microscope in this field, which provided a basis for the pathogenesis research and drug development of neurological diseases.

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews was published by ELSEVIER in 1987, covering the whole field of medicine and pharmacy. It has great academic influence with an impact factor index of 17.873, which belongs to TOP journals and requires innovation of high levels for original papers.

Edited by Liu Qiong

Reviewed by Pan Wenjun

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