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SCMU’s Journal (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition) Again Recognized in CSSCI Source Journal List

author:Luo Fan Time:Sep 19, 2023 page views:

Nanjing University’s China Social Science Research Evaluation Center has once again recognized SCMU’s Journal (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition). It is included in the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) source journal list for 2023-2024.

Established in 1960 and overseen by the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, this journal is a leading publication in academic theoretical research. It upholds a unique disciplinary focus that blends diversity with specialization, primarily showcasing ethnology while encompassing works from Marxism, political science, law, economics, management, journalism, literature, sociology, and anthropology.

Since January 2021, under the strategic guidance of the school’s Party Committee, the journal has increased its publication frequency from bimonthly to monthly. It keenly addresses contemporary themes like “Chinese Nation”, “Chinese Culture”, and “Chinese National Community”, aligning with modern trends and contributing to the discourse on national unity and cultural strength. The journal plays a vital role in developing an independent Chinese ethnology knowledge system.

The editorial team’s commitment to quality management and process optimization has significantly elevated the journal’s academic stature. It has seen a steady rise in its impact factor, publication quality, and scholarly influence. In 2021, it ranked 16th nationally in full-text reprint volume and 31st in the comprehensive index among higher education institution-sponsored humanities and social sciences journals. In 2022, it achieved first place in comprehensive impact factor among ethnic studies journals.

Edited by Liu Qiong,  Reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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