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SCMU Law School Partners with Hanchuan People’s Court in Internship Agreement and Licensing Ceremony

author:Xiong Jinjin, Long Dongfang Time:Oct 31, 2023 page views:

On October 27th, a significant collaboration was formalized between the School of Law and the Hanchuan People’s Court, marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement and an internship base licensing ceremony in Hanchuan. The ceremony was attended by Chen Zhijian, Party Group Secretary and President of the Hanchuan People’s Court; Hu Yihai, Deputy Party Group Secretary; Professor Hu Yunhong from the National Judges College Journal Editorial Department; along with Deng Xing, Party Committee Secretary of the School of Law, Pan Hongxiang, Dean of the School of Law, and Liao Hua, Deputy Dean of the School of Law.

Chen Zhijian (right) and Pan Hongxiang (left) officiate the licensing of the base

Photo provided by Hanchuan People’s Court

Chen Zhijian outlined three primary objectives for this collaboration: firstly, to foster consensus and strengthen exchanges in legal theory and judicial practice; secondly, to enhance co-construction by integrating university practical teaching with judicial operations; and thirdly, to pursue mutual benefits by aligning theory with practice and applying latest research in judicial proceedings. Deng Xing expressed gratitude to the Hanchuan People’s Court for offering SCMU students a dynamic platform for practical training, contributing significantly to their professional growth. He reiterated the school’s commitment to integrating emerging academic research with judicial practices, thereby providing intellectual support to legal departments and actively participating in the training of legal professionals.

The School of Law, known for its emphasis on practical skills development, continues to foster partnerships with external legal entities. Guided by principles of mutual benefit and shared growth, the school has been dedicated to developing practical teaching bases, aiming to cultivate top-tier legal professionals well-versed in theory and adept in practice.

Edited by Liu Qiong,  Reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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