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SCMU Triumphs with Bronze at the 48th ICPC Asia Regional Contest in Xi’an

author:Liao Xiaomei, Liu Weiping Time:Oct 30, 2023 page views:

The prestigious 48th International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Asia Regional Contest, hosted in Xi’an by Northwestern Polytechnical University on October 22nd, saw a remarkable achievement from SCMU. The university’s team stood out in this fiercely competitive event, clinching a bronze medal.

Drawing participation from over 1200 students across 406 teams from 218 leading universities, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the contest was a showcase of exceptional talent. Following five hours of intense coding and problem-solving, the team from SCMU, composed of Xiang Shenghui, Gao Junjie, and Liu Shisheng, emerged as bronze medalists.

Award-winning team members from SCMU  

Photo provided by School of Computer Science

At SCMU, programming competitions are held in high regard. Annually, the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship conducts university-level contests to identify and nurture promising talent. The selected students then receive specialized training from the “ICPC Innovation Lab” coaching team. This lab is committed to developing skills in computer programming and algorithm design, focusing on fostering independent learning, teamwork, and innovation. Through this approach, SCMU has consistently seen its teams excel in various national and international programming contests.

The ICPC, evolving over five decades, has become a global benchmark in the computer science field, earning the moniker “Olympics of Computer Software”. The competition spans two critical phases: the regional contests and the global finals, with a season lasting about nine months. It draws nearly 50,000 students from over 2,000 universities across six continents and more than 100 countries. The ICPC’s regional and global stages are highly regarded by top universities and major computing companies worldwide, highlighting its status as a premier platform for emerging computer science talent.

Edited by Liu Qiong,  Reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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