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Alumnus Chen Yi Awarded National Advanced Individual in Upholding Women and Children’s Rights

author:Liu Yi Time:Nov 7, 2023 page views:

In early November, the All-China Women’s Federation announced commendations for collectives and individuals nationally recognized for their dedication to protecting the rights of women and children. Among them, alumnus Chen Yi, a 1998 Law graduate and currently the Deputy Chief Judge of the First Criminal Division at the Guigang Intermediate People’s Court, received the honor of “National Advanced Individual in Upholding Women and Children’s Rights”.

For over a decade, Chen Yi has been at the forefront of legal proceedings involving women and children, having devoted 13 years to this crucial field. His commitment to conducting trials related to women and children has been instrumental in upholding their legal rights. His diligence has resulted in the legal prosecution of 529 offenders who violated the rights of these groups. Chen Yi’s outreach extends beyond the courtroom; he has aided 35 young offenders in overcoming challenges related to education and employment through follow-up initiatives and educational support. In his remarkable career, he has provided legal aid, information protection, and psychological counseling in 576 cases involving young victims. He has secured judicial assistance for 521 minors and raised judicial relief funds of 666,100 yuan for 29 of them.

Chen Yi’s innovative approach to legal education has planted the seeds of legal awareness among young minds. He has been instrumental in setting up six legal education centers for youth and has led 45 legal awareness sessions in 21 schools, distributing over 5,000 legal books and around 10,000 informational materials, positively impacting over 12,000 students. He has also been active in various public legal forums, collaborating with organizations like the Women’s Federation and the Youth League Committee to organize more than 20 joint events.

A strong advocate for family education, Chen Yi has spearheaded the establishment of 23 family education guidance service centers in partnership with Guigang’s courts and the Municipal Women’s Federation. These centers have been pioneers in Guangxi, promoting lawful child-rearing practices and achieving full service coverage in family education guidance. These centers have conducted 350 family education sessions, issued 720 “Family Education Guidance Orders”, and submitted 15 judicial recommendations.

Alumnus Chen Yi Teaches a Drug Prevention Class to Students.

Photo provided by the Guigang Intermediate People’s Court

Chen Yi’s unyielding dedication to justice and social responsibility has not only provided legal protection for women and children but also earned him recognition as “Outstanding Legal Vice Principal of Guangxi’s Courts” and “Guigang’s Exemplar of Integrity and Diligence”. His family, too, has been honored as “Guigang’s Most Beautiful Family”.

The People’s Court of Tongdao Dong Autonomous County in Huaihua City, Hunan Province, led by Cao Jiahong, a 1993 alumnus from our former Department of Political Science and Law, has been named a “National Advanced Collective in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Women and Children” by the All-China Women’s Federation.

Edited by Liu Qiong,  Reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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