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SCMU Hosts International Chinese Language Education Volunteer Selection Exam

author:Li Nan Time:Apr 23, 2024 page views:

From April 20th to 21st, SCMU successfully hosted for the first time the International Chinese Language Education Volunteer Selection Exam organized by the Center for Language Exchange and Cooperation under the Ministry of Education. Nearly a hundred candidates from Hubei and other provinces came to take the exam.

Twelve experts from universities inside and outside Hubei province evaluated the candidates’ comprehensive Chinese teaching abilities, foreign language proficiency, knowledge of Chinese culture and talents, psychological qualities, and other aspects. Qualified candidates will be dispatched as international Chinese language education volunteers to teach in 18 countries including the United Kingdom, Spain, Cambodia, and Laos. In this round, 58 students from SCMU participated in the selection exam.

SCMU has always attached great importance to the selection and dispatch of international Chinese language education volunteers. Head of the School of International Education introduced that SCMU is one of the 10 national examination venues selected to host this selection exam. The university hopes that by hosting the exam, it can encourage and support more outstanding students to join the ranks of international Chinese language education volunteers, actively participate in the promotion of international Chinese language education, and help tell China’s story to the world.

Edited by Liu Qiong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng

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