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SCMU Students Win Silver and Bronze Medals at ICPC National Invitational Contest (Shaanxi)

author:Liao Xiaomei, Liu Weiping Time:May 23, 2024 page views:

On May 19th, the 2024 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) National Invitational Contest was held at Northwestern Polytechnical University. After an intense competition, SCMU students achieved remarkable results, winning one silver medal and one bronze medal.

The contest attracted over 400 teams from more than 200 universities, including Northeastern University, Beihang University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shandong University, Wuhan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, with over 1,200 students participating. After five hours of fierce competition, two SCMU representative teams stood out from the 382 valid participating teams, securing the silver and bronze medals. The award-winning teams both came from the “ICPC Innovation Lab”" of the School of Computer Science. The silver medal team, guided by Instructor Liu Weiping, consisted of Xiang Shenghui, Liu Shisheng, and Gao Junjie. The bronze medal team, led by Instructor Hou Rui, included Fang Ke, Lian Yubo, and Wu Jiaming.

Group Photo of the Silver Medal Winning Team.

Group Photo of the Bronze Medal Winning Team.

The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is one of the largest and most prestigious international collegiate programming contests in the world. Each season lasts approximately nine months, with nearly 50,000 students from over 2,000 universities across more than 100 countries and regions on six continents participating. After over 50 years of development, the ICPC has become the most influential global collegiate computer contest, renowned as the “Olympics” in the field of computer software. It is highly regarded by internationally renowned universities and closely watched by leading technology companies worldwide.

Edited by Liu Qiong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng, May 23, 2024

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