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SCMU Sends 10 Members of “New Youth Global Competence Class” to UN Exchange Programs in Geneva and Vienna

author:Du Xinhang Time:Sep 18, 2024 page views:

From July to August, 10 faculty members and students from the “New Youth Global Competence Class”, SCMU participated in on-site exchange programs at United Nations headquarters in Geneva and Vienna. They received completion certificates from UN international organizations upon finishing the programs.


SCMU faculty and students in front of the Palais des Nations.

Photo provided by the School of Public Administration

The group visited international organizations and permanent missions to the UN in Geneva and Vienna in separate batches. They toured the International Labour Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, World Health Organization, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), International Red Cross Museum, and the Olympic Museum. UN project officers and staff provided comprehensive introductions to their organizations’ backgrounds, missions, historical development, structures, and current global projects. They also engaged in interactive discussions with the students. Participants actively contributed to conversations, delving into topics such as “UN Sustainable Development Goals”, “Emergency Response to Public Health Crises”, and”Artificial Intelligence”. Additionally, students took part in expert panel discussions on UN youth career development and simulated diplomatic negotiations.


Group photo at the UN Vienna headquarters.

Photo provided by the School of Public Administration

Students expressed that they gained immensely from this overseas practical activity, not only broadening their international perspective but also enhancing their comprehensive abilities in various aspects. Prior to departure, Ms. Hu Xinli, Vice Dean of the School of Public Administration and supervisor of the New Youth Class, conducted pre-trip training both online and offline. She emphasized discipline and safety issues, encouraging everyone to effectively tell SCMU’s story and showcase the university’s spirit and image.

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