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SCMZU held Spring Job Fair for 2023 Graduates of Key Universities in Wuhan

author:Liang Huyun Time:Feb 27, 2023 page views:

On February 23, SCMZU conducted, offline and online, a joint spring job fair for 2023 graduates from key universities in Wuhan, which attracted more than 800 students from both inside and outside SCMZU.

28 enterprises and institutions such as China Gezhouba Group, China Metallurgical South, Puluo Pharmaceutical, Shenzhen Sanwang Communication,  Bureau of Education and Sports of Linxiang City, Hunan Province participated in the job fair. It covering a variety of industries such as processing manufacturing, service, management, IT information technology, education, etc., providing 183 positions for secondary school teachers, financial management, marketing, reserve cadres, software engineers, etc., with 1650 job vacancies. The job seekers came as promised despite of the unpleasant weather, in addition to which, there also came a few junior students to seek for information in advance.

Job fair site. Photo provided by Admissions and Employment Office

To better understand the needs of employers and provide more guidance to students, the heads of the Admissions and Employment Office, each schools and the graduation counselors came to the site to guide the students. Li from the School of Management, who delivered 5 resumes on the site, said that he tended to look for a job that matched his major, and with promotion and development opportunities. While some of the interviewed graduates said that they were making two strings to their bow before the marks of the postgraduate entrance exam are released.

Job interviews. Photo provided by Admissions and Employment Office

The recruitment manager of Bureau of Education and Sports of Linxiang City, Hunan Province said that a total of 150 secondary school teachers were planned to be recruited, covering most of the specialties of SCMZU. He said he will continue to receive applications and conduct interviews in the next two days, hoping to recruit more excellent graduates. The head of the Admissions and Employment Office said that SCMZU had made a series of arrangements in the early stage to carry out the campus recruitment activities this semester, and would hold more campus job fairs in the future to expand the employment channels for graduates.

Edited by Liu Qiong  Reviewed by Pan Wenjun

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