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SCMU Holds 2024 Western China Volunteer Program Graduation and Departure Ceremony

author:Zhang Junxiao, Ge Binqi Time:Jul 8, 2024 page views:

On the morning of June 12, SCMUheld the 2024 Western China Volunteer Program graduation and departure ceremony at the Academic Exchange Center. The event was attended by Li Hongyan, Standing Committee Member of the University Party Committee and Vice President, heads of relevant functional departments, deputy party secretaries in charge of student affairs from variousschools, instructors of 2024 graduating classes, members of the 26th Postgraduate Teaching Support Team, and 2024 Western China Volunteer Program participants. The ceremony was hosted by Xu Qitao, Secretary of the University Youth League Committee.

During the ceremony, attendees watched a themed micro-film“Go to the Western China”.Representatives from the Western China Volunteer Program and the 26th Postgraduate Teaching Support Team jointly recited“Praising the Western Chinawith Our Youth”.Su Miao, representing the Western China Volunteer Program, and Zhang Junxiao, representing the 26th Postgraduate Teaching Support Team, delivered speeches. They expressed their determination and aspiration to dedicate themselves to the western regions and make contributions at the grassroots level. They pledged to always keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions, continuously strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation, and contribute the strength of SCMU youth to the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Li Hongyan extended her best wishes to the young volunteers heading to western China. She pointed out that the university has consistently regarded the Western China Volunteer Program as an important platform for students’ideological and political education. SCMU encourages and mobilizes young people to embrace national ideals and youthful passion, to display their talents and achievements in the vast western regions. The program’s educational effectiveness has become increasingly prominent, with more and more young students choosing to take root in the west and contribute their youthful energy to its development. She earnestly advised the volunteers to always hold onto their youthful aspirations, gather their youthful strength, and follow the path of youth, shouldering the responsibility for Chinese-style modernization while serving and taking root in the western regions.

“Go to thewestern China, go to the grassroots,andgo where the motherland needs us most.”As the song played, Li Hongyan presented flags to representatives of the Western China Volunteer Program and the Postgraduate Teaching Support Team. Following the flag-presenting ceremony, all volunteers solemnly took an oath.The ceremony concluded with all attendees watching a special graduation video titled“Setting Sail in June”.

It is reported that 561 SCMU students applied for the Western China Volunteer Program this year. After written testsandinterviews, 100 volunteers were finally selected. The university’s Western China Project Office held a training session for the volunteers from June 11 to 12, enhancing their comprehensive qualities in theoretical knowledge, professional skills, and first aid knowledge, laying a solid foundation for their future work and study.

Edited by Liu Qiong, reviewed by Lei Changsheng, June 14, 2024

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