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SCMU Holds 2024 Student Military Training Conclusion and Commendation Ceremony

author:Xue Wen Time:Sep 23, 2024 page views:

On the morning of September 22, SCMU held the 2024 Student Military Training Conclusion and Commendation Ceremony at the South Lake Central Stadium. The event was attended by all on-campus members of the University Party Committee Standing Committee, relevant leaders from the Army Engineering University’s Military Equipment NCO School, heads of university departments and schools, all 2024 freshmen, and new students’ parents watching via online livestream. The ceremony was presided over by Li Hongyan, Member of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee and Vice President.

The ceremony began with the solemn playing of the national anthem. Student formations marched past the reviewing stand with resonant steps. This was followed by a series of performances including flower formations, dagger drills, hand-to-hand combat demonstrations, bayonet exercises, and “battlefield” assault simulations. Dressed in military uniforms, the 2024 freshmen displayed their youthful vigor and spirited demeanor, presenting a satisfying report to the entire university community while gaining valuable insights and experiences.





“This military training left an indelible impression on me”, shared Huang Zeneng from the School of Computer Science. “The instructors are active-duty soldiers, and their teaching and management methods follow standard military practices, allowing us to deeply experience genuine military-style management”. Zheng Bingyu from the School of Resources and Environment felt the training better prepared her for university life. “Each day brought new challenges and more interactions with classmates, helping us integrate into collective life more quickly. We also experienced a completely different lifestyle, preparing us for the rigorous study ahead in university”.

Following the performance, San Lang Zhaxi, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee and Vice President, announced the list of outstanding units and individuals from the 2024 military training. Leaders on the reviewing stand presented awards to representatives from 13 outstanding companies, 25 outstanding instructors, 10 outstanding counselors, 15 outstanding assistant instructors, and 305 outstanding trainees, encouraging them to build on their honors and strive for further progress.


Commendation ceremony. Photo provide by Student Affairs Department

Subsequently, Liu Yi, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee and President, presented a commemorative banner to the military training regiment, which was accepted by Chen Zhiyong, Senior Colonel and Deputy President of the Army Engineering University’s Military Equipment NCO School.

Yang Yuxin from the School of Law, representing the outstanding trainees, shared her thoughts on the 14-day military training experience. Bian Jing, Secretary of the University Party Committee, delivered a concluding speech, praising the excellent results of the 2024 military training and the outstanding performance of the freshmen. He expressed gratitude to the military commanders, instructors, and the university’s military training office staff, and extended his best wishes to the Class of 2024. He emphasized that military training is a crucial part of university education and hoped that students would integrate the spirit of military training into their future studies and lives, bravely facing various challenges and striving to write their own chapters of youth.

The ceremony concluded with faculty, students, and military personnel singing the SCMU school anthem together, and with the military instructors extending their wishes for academic success and bright futures to the Class of 2024.

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