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SCMU Commemorates China’s 75th Anniversary with Grand Choral Celebration

author:Huang Yiying, Shan Yufan, Lu Lan Time:Sep 30, 2024 page views:

On the evening of September 28th, against the backdrop of nationwide celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, SCMU held a grand youth concert and 2024 freshman welcome party titled “Harmonious SCMU, United China” at the South Lake Central Stadium. The event brought together 10,000 students and faculty members, including standing committee members of the university’s Party committee, heads of departments, and student representatives, all joining in a chorus of praise for the new era.


The concert. Photo by Chen Yanyu

The concert was structured around four historical periods of the Chinese Communist Party’s century-long journey, linking four chapters: “The Age of Awakening”, "Years of Endeavor”, “Sailing Through Storms”, and “A Glorious New Era”. The university’s student choir opened the event with a stirring rendition of “ The Youth of China”.

Representatives from the university’s 20 schools took turns performing classic songs in a relay-style sing-off. Their performances celebrated the great achievements of China under the leadership of the Communist Party, emphasized the importance of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and expressed the younger generation’s patriotic fervor and dedication to serving the people.


School representatives perform in the choir. Photo by Liao Yucheng


School representatives perform in the choir. Photo by Wang Xiyan


Performance of “The Youth of China”. Photo by Luo Weiru

The atmosphere reached its peak when all 10,000 attendees joined in singing “Me and My Motherland”, its moving melody echoing through the stadium. The infectious enthusiasm touched everyone present. Li Chunhe, a 2024 freshman from the School of Management, shared his impressions, “This is my first time attending such a grand concert. It’s incredibly moving. The atmosphere was electric, with everyone spontaneously singing along and cheering. It’s truly inspiring”.

Organized by the Party Committee’s Publicity Department, Student Affairs Department, University Youth League Committee, and the School of Music and Dance, this event was more than just a musical feast celebrating the shared spiritual home of the Chinese nation. It also served as a vivid example of the university’s commitment to character education through Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, expanding the scope of ideological and political education.

SCMU will continue to uphold and strengthen the Party’s comprehensive leadership, resolutely implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, and fully carry out the initiative to infuse education with aesthetics. The university aims to create a grand classroom that integrates education with art, nurtures morality, and cultivates character through culture, striving to cultivate a new generation of youth who are trustworthy to the Party, patriotic, dedicated, and ready to take on the great task of national rejuvenation.

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